Past Lives

Why is there no answers in the real world?

​In today s world advancement of science and technology is at its peak, but however far we have come there are no answers to certain trivial questions as to why one goes through stress, why one has anger issues or why one has a certain kind of food allergy, or Alzheimer’s or cancer? All solutions or answers only lead to long-term supplements or medications which the person has to incorporate in life forever, dietary changes or herbal solutions sometimes give short-term results cause there is only a shift in the lifestyle but no real long-term results.

Eventually, the individual accepts and gives in to the dis-ease as it's been made to believe by research that it's more common than it seems to be and the individual is not alone in the process. So with the feeling of security that the individual doesn’t feel odd about having difficulty just tends to live with it accepting it. The environment is constantly evolving, and so are human minds and bodies. Human evolution copes with everything whether surviving a nuclear war or a draught situation, the human being mechanism is bound to survive and adapt. When there is so much power within the human being then why is it that we constantly look outside for solutions and answers? And some answers are indeed not available for the overworking mind even though the human mind is so complex and loaded with immense capabilities and possibilities. These answers again lie deep in the DNA, every fragment of the soul that is housed in a hue-man experience, tends to have a pre-programmed template, just like the data that makes the male or the female, or chooses the colour of the eye. DNA also carries emotional traits, soul experiences and traumas from the soul s experiences, when we say DNA and genetics it does not mean that a child is bound to be diabetic when the father suffers from it, DNA and genetics mean the information that makes one’s experience is this lifetime are pre-packaged and an operating system is been incorporated in the hue-man body machine which has information equivalent or infinite as the vastness of this universe And this information tends to hold phobia s, disease s, possibilities, limitations which will eventually define this current experience. The energy mechanism is so vast, intricate and intertangled that the most complex situations have the most simplest solutions. The hue man's mind venturing out to seek solutions and the root cause of why an experience tends to be in one s reality, with the power of the mind, and using the law of one the consciousness accesses different realities to give us a higher perspective of why the experience became part of the data that is in the operating system, which are moments in realities of the experience of the whole consciousness. Then one has the power to disengage that program which was automatically passed on in the operating system and choose an alternative program in that place which is of unconditional love and forgiveness. And eventually, every other program which was magnetically attracted to that program being the core of it tends to collapse and eventually the symptom/discomfort/ disease is bound to not be operating on the physical body because it no more has the codes to sustain.