Whats your body communicating?

What is a dis-ease? the disease is usually explained as dysfunction or the function of any organ/gland/system in the physical body. The love energy explains disease to be a bodily communication of discomfort in the energy level. The body is not at ease. Our physical body is an impeccable machine and has its very own language of bringing to awareness of the imbalance in the energy levels, when that is not heard or dealt with by the being, that language gets louder and turns into a disease.

The human being is more of energy and less of matter, more emotional and less physical. The emotional imbalance embedded in the core program of one’s journey automatically plays out scenarios in this current life experience which in turn results in imbalances in the physical body and eventually diseases. The love energy uncovers, addresses and releases the emotional imbalance one has been carrying from the onset of this journey either from this life or a past life experience. When the core issue of the disease is addressed with unconditional love and forgiveness, it is bound to clear off permanently from the physical body as well. So yes, all diseases can be cured by the power that lies within oneself without any external interventions. Like for example someone who is diagnosed with say, stomach cancer on the physical level, always had anger issues, caused imbalances in the endocrine system which over functioned and made the person uncontrollably angry. The anger issues which caused excessive heat within the physical body started burning the stomach on the energy level, eventually to avoid the damage caused to the other organs, the stomach started activating cancer cells, to gather all the times the anger kicked in and stored in the stomach region, which eventually was diagnosed as stomach cancer. The anger issue first set in probably when the individual was 3 years old growing up in an environment where the parents had financial issues which reflected in the atmosphere of the home where the child was ignored, and at all times when the child trying to gather their parent's attention, the child still felt overpowered, ignored and unwanted, which started as frustration. Then one day the child learnt that making a loud noise or throwing an object brought their parent's attention for a little while, this became the child’s coping mechanism to change the intensity of an environment plus feel a little loved. Then we would go back to a time when the child is probably in the womb of the mother and when in there the mother used to constantly get angry about the over-expenditure of the father and she believed that it reflected in their poor state of finances and discomfort in the family. The child learns this and automatically adds the frustration and the anger of the mother, that no matter what I do her husband doesn’t understand her. Then taken back to a time-space dimension, the individual lands in a scene where he was a warrior fighting battles and was rewarded for being angry cause his rage and anger helped the kingdom win more lands, in one of the battles the warrior happens to pierce the stomach of a pregnant lady as a defence when she probably tried to attack him. He did not mean to do it and he seems to be consumed by guilt at the same time as the last words the lady curses the warrior that – His anger and rage will bring him destruction and he won't even realise it and with it will come long term suffering. So at this point, we work in depth as to why the scenario was encountered and work with the modality of love energy and once it's done, we come back to this space and time and work with every reason for anger to be part of this individual s journey. So then when we have addressed the inner laying core program of an automatic pattern in the current space-time reality, the body is bound to realise that the communication is been heard and immediately sets to heal itself. So yes, ALL DIS-EASE CAN BE CURED with love energy.